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our prices

We adapt our pricing to suit different budgets and needs.

Our standard script-reading fee is £115. This covers a detailed read of your script, and an in-depth meeting with you.

We believe that dramaturgy is best in conversation rather than written notes, but we can offer a 2-4 page document summarising the key points from our meeting. This is an additional £30.

We won't let cost be a barrier.

We regularly offer payment plans and/or discounts for those on Universal Credit or other benefits, or for whom cost is a barrier.


Please speak to us about how we can best support you.

It's not just script-reading on offer!

We also offer more sustained dramaturgical support over half- or full-day sessions, for work on text and/or productions.


Please do get in touch to tell us how we can help, and what your budget is, and we'll work it out from there.

Can you afford a bit more?

£5 of our standard fee goes towards subsidising our work with playwrights who otherwise wouldn't be able to afford a dramaturg.


We can increase (or remove) this contribution by request.

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